The Most Popular Roofing Colors In Raleigh

Apr 23, 2022Blog, Raleigh, Roofing

Your roof can make or break the visual appeal of your home. A poorly-maintained roof, with its materials significantly fading in color, is guaranteed to decrease your home’s curb appeal and can lower its resale price should you be considering reselling your home.

Homeowners have more than enough roofing color options available to them; therefore, there’s no excuse for your home to have a faded rooftop or mismatched roofing materials.

Roofing manufacturers have made tremendous strides in material variation and colors. You’re now able to make your roof as neutral or as vibrant as you’d like.

Roofing brands like Owens Corning have things like Roof Shingle Colors of The Year for developers and homeowners who want to embrace a trendy, in-fashion style for their homes.

The 2022 the Roof Shingle Color of The Year is Bourbon. According to Owen’s Corning, the Bourbon shingle color consists of layered hues which embody warmth and sophistication.
Previous Roof Shingle Color of The Year include Black Sable, Pacific Wave, Sand Dune, etc.

If you’re thinking about installing new roofing materials and not sure which color to opt for, these are some of Raleigh’s most popular roofing colors.

popular red metal roofing system Raleigh


Red is a great roofing color for homeowners who want to add some vibrancy and personality to their homes. Red rooftops can add a pop of color to an otherwise toned-down home.


Brown-colored rooftops are one of the most common roofing colors found in Raleigh. Brown, earthy tones create a warm and natural aesthetic for your home. The color blends well with more neutral home tones and fits well with any surrounding nature.


Grey is a highly popular roofing color in Raleigh, thanks to its neutral, inconspicuous appearance. A grey rooftop matches just about any architectural aesthetic, and roofing materials like metal, slate, and concrete have natural grey hues.


Green rooftops are great for homes with a lot of trees around them or those situated in natural environments. They’re an excellent way for homes to blend in with nature without sticking out like a sore thumb.

BulletROOF is a top-notch roofing company that offers excellent home roofing services in Raleigh. We’ve been serving the Raleigh community for the last ten years and have a 100% satisfaction rate. If you’re ready for your rooftop to look its best, call BulletROOF today!