How Long Your Roofing Is Likely To Last In Raleigh

Feb 7, 2022Blog, Raleigh, Roofing

At BulletROOF, we believe in offering you the best solutions when it comes to your Raleigh roof. Our expert workmanship and excellent service prove why we are the number one roofing contractor in Raleigh.

We know that a new roof installation can be pretty expensive, but it’s worth the investment. Roofing systems last for up to 30-40 years when properly maintained and cared for; you, therefore, have some control over how long your rooftop will last.

The lifespan of your roof is also dependent on things such as environmental conditions, exposure to the elements, and the quality of your roof’s installation. Living in Raleigh means that your roof is regularly exposed to things such as storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, snowstorms, and more. These environmental conditions can significantly impact the lifespan of your rooftop and lead to its accelerated degradation.

Let’s take a look at how long your roof type typically lasts in Raleigh:

asphalt shingle roofing system installed in Raleigh

Asphalt Shingle Roofing

Asphalt shingle roofing is one of the most common roofing materials in the Raleigh area. It is a popular option due to it being relatively cheap and easy to install. Their lifespan can be anywhere between 10-30 years, depending on the frequency of bad weather conditions. Their survival during stormy weather is not great, especially if you’ve installed the lightweight shingle variation.

Wood Shake and Shingle Roofing

Wood shakes and wood shingle roofing is some of the most aesthetically pleasing roof material options. This roofing material can last between 25-30 years. However, your wood shake and shingle roof can last up to 50 years with meticulous maintenance. These wooden panels work great in moderate climates and have an excellent weather resistance rating, but they are not a great option for areas with seasonal forest fires.

Metal Roofing

Metal roofing is believed to be the most environmentally friendly roofing material available. The metal roofing is often made from 100% recycled materials. Not only is the roof eco-friendly, but it is also cost-effective as it has a lifespan of 30-50 years, and with proper maintenance, you can stretch this lifespan to nearly 70 years. A metal rooftop is a fantastic roofing option for a stormy area like Raleigh.

Raleigh’s Leading Roofing Specialists

As Raleigh’s leading roof installation company, we provide only high-quality workmanship, transparent roofing advice, and exceptional customer service! Give us a call for an inspection today.